
Our Services

For all the things you'll do online, we've got an absolute war-chest of products and services to share with you. 

Managed Detection and Response

Accelerate threat protection; stop breaches. 24x7 hunting, monitoring, response, and remediation can keep your business safe from tomorrow's threats. Learn more about our Managed Detection & Response services.

Brand Protection

Stop brand abuse without the hassle. Automated and manual takedowns keep your business's protected marks from becoming cannonfodder. Learn about how BeeHive can protect your brand.

Incident Response

Command your security incident response. Terminate intruder persistence and clean systems of malware, spyware, and more...Request expert assistance now!

NextGen AntiVirus

Protect your PC from infection and intrusion. Stop malware, ransomware, and zero-days while containing unknown threats. Start a free 10-day trial now! 

Vulnerability Scanning

Know what your attacker sees before they do. We sweep your networks, infrastructures, websites, and more for exploitable vulnerabilities, then tell you how to fix any we find. Start scanning for vulnerabilities today.

Cloud Detection and Response

Detect and disrupt cloud service takeover. Scale your logging and security monitoring seamlessly across on-prem and cloud environments. Learn more about Cloud Detection and Response.

Discord Safety

Protect your Discord community from bad behavior. Zero-out raids, spam, chat abuse, and more in any size community. Sentri's here to protect and grow.